Entries by pendaria

‘C’ Revision of TIA-942 Data Center Standard Specifies for Fiber Connectivity, Cabinet Widths

The newly authorized TIA-942-C standard will include several significant modifications from the TIA-942-B version—including the incorporation of previously published standards documents, recognition of a new media type and connectivity, new requirements, new recommendations, and more. … Read Full Article Published Feb. 16, 2024 Originally Published on Data Center Frontier

5 Things You Can’t Automate In Your Data Center

It’s easy to assume that, in data centers and beyond, automation has no bounds. In a world where AI seems to offer a limitless range of opportunities for improving data center operations and networking, and where the IT industry as a whole has embraced the notion that workflows can become so fully automated that we […]

Direct-to-Chip Cooling: Everything Data Center Operators Should Know

Cooling systems that target components that are centers of heat production can more efficiently dissipate heat. That’s why direct-to-chip cooling is becoming an increasingly attractive cooling strategy in data centers. While direct-to-chip cooling can target servers’ hottest components, high cost and the risk of cooling system failure mean that this is not always the right […]

How Project Managers Can Better Navigate Setbacks

Setbacks are common on projects — but project managers hold four key tools to understand why they happen and how to help their teams move past them. First, understand the neuroscience behind setbacks to encourage people to learn and grow. Second, openly acknowledge that a setback has occurred to prevent backsliding. Third, adopt a growth […]

Navigating The Changing Landscape In Data Center Security

The rate of innovation in technology—and in malware—seems to be accelerating in tandem faster than ever. CEOs, CFOs, CSOs and others responsible for safeguarding data—an enterprise’s most valuable asset—must stay on top of key developments in order to keep pace with the ever-changing threat landscape. … Read Full Article Published Jun 28, 2023 Originally Published […]

Overcoming Common IT Project Management Challenges

IT project managers are responsible for planning, executing, and delivering IT projects within scope, on time, and within budget. However, the ever-evolving nature of the IT industry, the rapid pace of technological advancement, and the increasing complexity of IT projects present several challenges for IT project management services. … Read Full Article Published May 15, 2023 […]

ChatGPT needs to ‘drink’ a water bottle’s worth of fresh water for every 20 to 50 questions you ask

As the general public rushes to generative AI tools like ChatGPT, the environmental impact of the new technology is beginning to come to light. While there’s still very little data on AI and sustainability, a recent study from researchers at the University of California, Riverside and the University of Texas, Arlington points to the water footprint of AI models like […]

How AI Will Transform Project Management

Only 35% of projects today are completed successfully. One reason for this disappointing rate is the low level of maturity of technologies available for project management. This is about to change. Researchers, startups, and innovating organizations, are beginning to apply AI, machine learning, and other advanced technologies to project management, and by 2030 the field […]